Pubs Win Two out of Three !!!!

You'll be hearing about nothing but the troubles of the Pubs tomorrow AM at the AP, UPI, CNN and the usual Suspects of the Liberal Dominated MSM..... not an accurate reporting of what transpired yesterday in Virginia politics.
Bob McDonnell Declared the Winner, after an exhaustive recount, increased his lead to 360 from 323. This is still a razor thin win, but frankly, if Deeds were not from the Valley, he easily would have lost by 5 or 6,000, which is still razor thin out of 1,900,000 votes cast, but that is not the bottom line in this story. Tomorrows Headline should read:
The Pubs picked up a top statewide political post in the Commonwealth, as the Dems. controlled the Gov, Lt Gov, while the Pubs only held the AG (Jerry Kilgore).
This ads up to a "net gain" in top political State wide office holders for the Pubs..... Uh Hello??? (MSM)
Never mind...
Now, am I, a "Right Wing Nut Job", or would the headline be "Gov. Warner's Coattails secures close but certain victory for Creigh Deeds as the new Attorney General for Virginia!!! Gov. Warner who declined to run against the now, "twice wounded" Senator & rumoured 08' Presidential hopeful, George Allen of VA, who failed to pull Jerry Kilgore and Bob McDonnell across the finish line despite campaigning for the two in his home state...... ad nauseum........
A lot of credit has to go to the Bill Bolling campaign who immediately gave staff and resources to the McDonnell team to "help a fellow Pub", and not try and hamstring a potential opponent for the Pub Govs. nomination in 09'. This speaks "volumes" to the character of Bill Bolling, and his staff, who obviously gave a lot of their time and effort to help McDonnell, when normally they would be taking a well deserved Christmas Vacation, before turning to the task of "leading the Pubs into the coming session of the General Assembly session.
Congratulations BOB !!!!
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