Cheney "Hero of Liberating Iraq"???

Bush Adminstration has no Plan to get us out of the "Quagmire of Iraq"?? You wouldn't know it from these two articles in diametrically opposed view point newspapers the Washington Times and the Washington 'Bleep'.
First the Times: Sunnis ready to cooperate with U.S Basically the the reason that voting went over so non violently in Iraq for the latest elections is that the Sunni opposition forces abandoned their Al Quada allies !!! Is that crickets I hear chirping over at the big MSM outlets????
How about this one from the 'Bleep' VP Cheney Makes Surprise Visit to Iraq Atleast they posted the story... because it is news.... But it is surprising they would put in this quote.... Now if you're conservative and reading this on a blackberry I suggest sitting down.... Talabani, his finger still stained purple as proof that he had voted three days earlier, thanked Cheney profusely for coming and called him a "hero of liberating Iraq."
Talibani, is President Jalal Talabani of Iraq.... Don't think we are going to see that quote leading the CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Lord knows PBS (that publicly funded propaganda organ for the left), and Fox couldn't because they would be accused of being a propaganda organ for the right!!!
Dear Lord let any kind of quote that disparages some one on the political right come up and it's front page.... Trent Lott for example vs. Robert 'KKK' Byrd. I would hope that point is made.
Ladies and Gentleman, I'd say the Bush administrations plan is looking pretty good, Thanks to Iron Willed Leadership from the President, VP, and top GOP Leadership (almost always), and our servicemen/women in uniform both here and deployed....
uhh one more time... the quote Talabani, his finger still stained purple as proof that he had voted three days earlier, thanked Cheney profusely for coming and called him a "hero of liberating Iraq
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