I agree with the VEA (at least on this)

Common sense prevailing over at the Virginia Education Association??? I have to agree with Ms. Princess Moss, president of the statewide organization that lobbies for about 90,000 primary and secondary teachers. A completely Valid point she:
Wants legislators to change the speed limit for buses, from 35 mph to 45 mph on roads with posted limits of 55 mph. On highways with higher speed limits, school buses could also drive the maximum. Currently, they are required to go no more than 55 mph on roads with 65-mph limits. "The slower buses can't keep up with the rest of the traffic, and that can become a safety problem," Moss said.
Absolutely Common Sense. I have not done a lot of research on our school buses, but they look new, and should have an "anti-lock" breaking systems, so that higher speeds should not increase the likelihood of a rear end collision with the cars they are following.
But then Alas, disappointment by what else she advocates:
Opposes vouchers and tuition tax credits because, the VEA said, they siphon money from public schools. In states granting tuition tax credits for parents sending their children to private schools, wealthier families "are the primary beneficiaries, rather than low-income students and families," the lobbying organization said.
Why would the VEA not favor giving low-income families a choice in where they also send their kids..... Isn't even the most basic economic concepts of "free enterprise" taught in our schools??? Maybe the favored "topic" is how unions are saving our government and America???
Check out the details here in this Richmond Times Dispatch article.
At 12/28/2005 11:28:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ok, I've been looking through my space and I don't see a donkey that you would be referring to. Maybe it's me and I've had too much alcohol today (the whole two drinks). However, my friend might have something on her space. http://spaces.msn.com/members/RAW83 I know on mine, if you hover your mouse over it, you can save it to your computer and then you have it, I'm not sure about my friend's though.
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