Democrat Propaganda Starts Early

You have to see this to believe it.....
Democrats now have a propaganda tool for indoctrinating children through means of a book !!!
Oh, I like this first one... It makes me think of that great Karl Marx quote: "From those according to their ability, to those according to their need"
Careful, little conservative boys and girls, the Dems are already dreaming up a "windfall tax" on extra toys under your trees this Christmas.... No doubt done on some "graduated toy tax scheme" !!!!

Oh, I like this one too !!! That's not momma squirrel keeping her kids off the street before a rampaging Packaderm runs them over!!! (I am surprised the elephant doesn't have Halliburton tatooed on its backside... but hey we are are only two pages into this.....
No doubt, a "Wizard of Oz" scene is cooked up and Dick Cheney himself is behind the curtain!!!
Now I think the author has had a "fruedian slip" using the squirrels vs say an "A$$", you know Donkey (now I have to start a new blog "spankthatsquirrel" (which here in town could have sexual overtones" * The Fruedian part is that well, I for one associate squirrels with "nuts" and you see where I am going with this.
* Mary Baldwin's mascot is the Fighting Squirrels.